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Indian Residential Schools Resolution Health Support Program

The Indian Residential Schools Resolution Health Support Program was established as part of the 2006 Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement.  It provides cultural and emotional support, and mental health counselling services to Survivors of Indian Residential Schools and the families of former students.

Cultural Support

Cultural supports are provided by Sik-E-Dakh Health Society and include access to Elders, Knowledge Keepers, traditional healers, and ceremonies.  Cultural supports seek to assist Survivors and their families in safely addressing issues related to Indian Residential Schools.  Specific services are chosen by the Survivor or family member and can include traditional healing, ceremonies, teachings and dialogue.

Emotional Support

Emotional supports include access to Resolution Health Support Workers, community-based workers and Elders who share space, listen, talk, and offer support in a safe and respectful way.  Emotional supports are provided by Sik-E-Dakh Health Society, and are designed to help former students and their families safely address issues related to the impacts of Indian Residential Schools.

Mental Health Counselling

Mental Health Counsellors are psychologists and social workers, who are in good standing with their provincial or territorial regulatory body, and registered with Indigenous Services Canada.  A counsellor can work with individuals or families and will listen, talk and assist individuals to find ways of navigating trauma and healing journeys related to Indian Residential School experiences.


Perry Sampson

Resolution Health Support Worker

(250) 842-6876 ext. 405

Lamathut 24/7 Crisis Line: 1-800-721-0066

National IRS Crisis Line: 1-866-925-4419

Monday -  Friday   8:30 am - 4:30 pm

(Closed 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm for lunch)
Saturday                   Closed
Sunday                     Closed

Statutory Holidays   Closed

Sik-E-Dakh Health Society


© 2023-2025 Sik-E-Dakh Health Society.

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